Monday, November 19, 2007

Book News, In Brief

The National Endowment for the Arts hates our soldiers! Isn't that what it really means when they say something like, the average American reads less than one book a year, and that the country is testing dumber because of it? Let me state here -- publicly and unequivocally -- that although I, too, am well-endowed, I do not endorse the NEA's hurtful and hateful and clearly anti-American sentiments.

Judith Regan has launched a $100 million lawsuit against her former publisher, Rupert Murdoch, over the handling of her baby, the OJ Simpson book, If I Did It. And to think, only a week ago she was announcing her plans to stay out of the media spotlight.

Via BoingBoing: "The Book Design Review Blog has picked its top book covers for 2007!" Click here to check them out and cast your vote for the best of the best. (Pictured, from left to right, Unmarketable designed by Rob Carmichael, One Perfect Day designed by Evan Gaffney, and Fireproof designed by unknown.)