An armed robbery at an adult bookstore in Iowa perfectly illustrates Sigmund Freud's old axiom: "Sometimes a gun is both a gun and a penis."
Taking advantage of our industry's 100% literacy rate and abnormally advanced ability to picture in our minds whatever it is we read, a criminal in California held up a bookstore using only a note saying, "Gun."
A man wearing a 'Silence is Golden' t-shirt held up a Kansas City bookshop Tuesday afternoon. Police believe the shirt to be a poor choice in clichés & clothing and not an attempt to suppress witness testimony.
Remember when I told you about that popular, new, 'textbooks only' approach to bookshop shoplifting? Well, one such shoplifter, while fleeing store security, accidentally fell off a cliff. Here's hoping this EPIC FAIL ending also becomes a fad.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Bookstore Burglaries & Police Briefs
Posted by
Inkwell Bookstore
12:01 AM