Rewriting the rewritten for the umpteenth time? wonders, How Much Revision is Necessary?
Don't worry, R. Crumb -- jerking off to your own work isn't one of Fuel for Your Writing's 8 Nasty Writing Habits You Should Quit.
While some lucky sonsofb*tches were having sex with their teachers, you and I were picking up the 7 Bad Writing Habits You Learned in School.
Hope for the dying and decrepit: Writers Digest's Publish Your First Book After 50. (I mean, you're still gonna die, but at least you'll die published.)
You're a name on the internet and a celebrity in the blogosphere. Chris Anderson tells you how to turn that exposure into book sales.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Tuesday's Tips for Flailing Writers
Posted by
Inkwell Bookstore
8:00 AM