Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Hollywood Wants The Literary World's Respect, But The Literary World Wants Hollywood's Access To 'Petite Blondes'

New York City's BookExpo took a cue from Hollywood this past week, offering writers a generous three minutes to 'pitch' their work. The publishing world traded in the comfy, leather, Masterpiece Theatre reading chair of old for something closer to the figurative casting couch, turning what was once a thoughtful meeting of literary minds into what one editor described as "a bit like speed dating." So what sort of writer/writing rises to the top in such a scenario?

From the Reuters article:
"One of those attracting the most interest from the agents was (Kiki Freebery), a petite 15-year-old blond schoolgirl pitching what she called 'a survival kit for kids turning into teenagers.' Kiki came along with her mother, a criminal defense attorney who was pitching her own legal thrillers. Kiki hasn't written the book yet, or even a full-length proposal, but she said, 'I met four people, all of them said they want to see my proposal.'"

Totally rad!