Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Tuesday's Tips for Flailing Writers,

VoilĂ  -- Voltaire! Philip Larkin explains the 'The Process of Poetry' in three simple steps.

Oy vey, the chutzpah! Daily Writing Tips has The 40 Yiddish Words You Should Know.

Plot to Punctuation echoes what I've been telling my probation officer for years: Villains are heroes too.

You tell me. Is CopyBlooger's 'The Eminem Guide to Becoming a Writing and Marketing Machine' the best titled tip of the day or what?

Three different approaches to dealing with writer's block, all from the same source. Swati Nitin Gupta's How to Avoid, How to Cure, and How to Take Advantage of Writer's Block. (Homegirl seems a li'l obsessed, no?)