Monday, February 9, 2009

Book News, In Brief

Today's the day that Amazon is holding their highly publicized "secretive press conference," the topic of which is rumored to be the release of a new Kindle. I'll post any pictures and/or plot twists as they're revealed.

Just in time to make the new Kindle seem instantly outdated, Google has opened the e-book floodgates, offering 1.5 million downloadable of charge! One wonders how Amazon -- once the proverbial 'cheapest game in town' -- will attempt to undersell free.

Good news for backlist titles! The powers-that-be have made their final decision regarding the safety requirements for kid's books, and it's good news for backlist titles. Via Publisher's Weekly: Consumer products for children 12 and under cannot contain more than 600 parts per million of lead in any accessible part, the Commission said it would "not impose penalties against anyone for making, importing, distributing or selling" a list of specified products, including "an ordinary children’s book printed after 1985." Shhh...listen closely. That sound you hear is the publishers of The Hardy Boys screaming in delight.