Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Book News, In Brief

Is it possible to read -- to really read -- while listening to music? The Guardian UK's Sam Jordison puts on his ipod and investigates.

Stupid Kindle. You were ugly and expensive, and that's exactly why we bookstores thought we were safe. But now smartphones are offering E-books, and it's beginning to make us nervous.

Dan Brown's follow-up to The Da Vinci Code was supposed to have been released back in 2005. While I'm not personally looking forward to it, my cash register most definitely is. That's why I stand behind SeaCoastOnline when they ask, Where's the f**king book, Dan?!

Publishers Weekly, my daily stop for book-related bankruptcy and lay off news, has been forced to lay off Editor-in-Chief Sara Nelson. Inkwell Michelle's immediate reaction: "Oh no. I love her. She's so smart!" This is a sentiment shared by many.
(Inkwell Michelle's second reaction? "She'll be back soon. She's too good. Someone's gonna snatch her up to work for them." This is also a sentiment shared by many.)