Monday, March 9, 2009

Book News, In Brief

Happy 60th birthday, Harlequin Romance. I got you a cake topped with Viagra, Valtrex, and menopause pills.

Semi-related (in that it involves age): TheStarOnline has a bit about a 57-year-old British otaku. Don't worry -- she's not into cosplay.

Semi-related (in that it appeals to otaku): Viz Media has announced their plans to publish a collection of Hayao Miyazaki's essays, notes, sketches and interviews. Starting Point: 1979-1996 will be released on July 9.

Semi-related (cuz we were just talking about 'release'): Yet another flasher has been arrested for browsing a bookstore with his balls hanging out. Tell me, what is it about the smell of paper and ink that excites these exhibitionists?