Monday, July 27, 2009

Book News, In Brief

The cougar craze

Remember the un-official sequel to Catcher In The Rye that J.D. Salinger successfully sued to have stopped in the States? Surprise, surprise: The case is going to appeals court.

We've all seen the adjectives Joycean, Proustian and Kafkaesque while reading book reviews. Now the writers at The Australian are attempting to introduce a new word to the lit lover's lexicon: Malcoholic.

After posting two 'Recommended Viewings' in one day, you'd think a bookstore blog would try and stay away from non-literary links for a little while. Eff that. Click here to read Entertainment Weekly's list of TV Characters Who Read Books.

Amazon has issued a public apology for the unannounced removal of George Orwell titles from its users' Kindles. Folks still waiting for Amazon to apologize for their de-listing of gay titles should take this as a sign: Y'all have been forgotten.

It seems like every time a new Harry Potter film is released, a first edition of the first volume miraculously turns up in a used bookstore somewhere. Knocking tens of thousands of dollars off this year's find's final bid is the bookshop's handwritten pricing on the inside cover -- a mere 99p!