Saturday, February 2, 2008

Bad News for Big Eyes

Via Icarus Comics, a bastion of Manga news, reviews and NSFW pictures:

The well-being of manga is still somewhat tied to the anime industry, whose television presence has made hits out of books like Naruto and FMA. But perhaps a more compelling reason for everyone to keep an eye on the current turmoil is that these problems may be expressions of deeper-rooted issues that could affect manga as well; specifically, the diminishing value of the dollar that is erasing licensing profits for Japanese companies, and increasing costs for licensees in an unstable market. The complete collapse of the North American anime market is too pessimistic a prediction, yet a tightening of the belt seems unavoidable should the dollar’s dismal devaluation continue. A steadily growing manga market overall may seem immune, but break it down individually, and it becomes easier to imagine how some mid-sized pubs may feel that same sting.

(For even more bad news, click here.)