The new Wolverine movie hits theaters this weekend. Anticipating the inevitable resurgence of interest in the character, Creative Loafing has put together a list of recommended Wolverine trade paperbacks.
Related: IGN has put together a similar list.A group of Children's Laureates were recently asked to pick their favorite kids' books. Their answers range from the classics (Little Women, Anne Frank's Diary) to the not-so-classic (The Wolves of Willoughby Chase).
Semi-related: Mark Nobleman's "We are in the Golden Age of Picture Book Biography." Via: Rab62After reading The Record-Eagle's article on book-buying habits during a recession, we at The Inkwell are breathing a collective sigh of relief that we added used books to our store a couple of years ago. Now if we could only figure out a way re-launch ourselves as a for-profit library...gosh, we'd be thousandaires.
In a move designed to stave off the Kindle's demise, Amazon has bought Lexcycle, the creators of iPhone's e-reader app. This purchase puts the popular Stanza e-book app under the complete control of its chief rival, and ensures that any new technological advances will not pass the Kindle least until the newest 'Next Big Thing' comes along.
The Deseret Book, a bookstore owned by the Mormon church, has removed all copies of Stephenie Meyer's Twilight series from its shelves. While Twilight's vampire-centric plot would seem to be at odds with a religious book shop's stringent morality, Meyers is -- arguably -- the most famous Mormon in the world. You think the church would want to exploit that a little. Hell, if I was king of the Mormons, I'd make a cartoon caricature of Meyer to use as our jingle-singing spokeswoman.