In an effort to capitalize on this weekend's Romance Writers of America conference in Washington D.C., we've compiled a list of news links centered around softcore smut novels. Randy readers can repay us by sharing their favorite overwritten sex scenes in the comments section below.It's horny devils meet horn-rimmed glasses when NPR visits the R.W.A.
The Washington Post covers the Romance Writers of America conference. Expect a scandal.
Hoping to take some cash from today's Twilight-crazy teens, Harlequin is launching a brand new imprint: the imaginatively monikered, Harlequin Teen.
“I love to work on my creative process.” This and other choice quotes overheard at the Romance Writers of America Conference can be found at Smart Bitches, Trashy Books.
Bodice-ripping cover art & rape-turns-to-romance plot lines -- these are just a few of the dated and disturbing cliches that turn today's teens off their mothers' romance novels. Via.
The Christian book biz is branching out, and while evangelical vampires are seeing a post-Twilight sales spike, it's the Amish romance novels that are inspiring the most sequels and spin-offs.
Bonus: The Top 15 Bad Romance Novel Opening Lines.